Think Jackman and discussed a Wolverine vs Batman movie while on the set? Me neither.
Of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg at this year's SRC!
Register @ Rogers Public Library or online @ www.rogersarkansas.com/library
Read 10 hours and get entered into the drawing to win one of our big prizes (To be announced later)! The more you read, the more chances you have to win!
Finally, read 20 hours and choose a prize to take home!
Registration starts May 21
Logging starts June 3
Bones, bodies and suspicious
Circumstances: Forensic Examination of the Human Skeleton!
How does an investigator identify a body with only the bones to go on? Gretchen R. Dabbs MA, from Northwest Arkansas Community College gives a forensics workshop presentation
June 11, 1-3 pm
CSI: Evidence Collection!
How do you lift fingerprints for evidence? What do bugs and maggots have to do with solving a murder? Corporal Tracy Groomer presents this Crime Scene Investigation Workshop
Writing Workshop with Arkansas
author A. A. Riley!
A. A. Riley is an Arkansas author who wrote a fantasy YA novel The Key of Aramath. She will be doing a reading and brief discussion of her book, followed by several sessions where you can perform and discuss your own work. Registration required.
This week’s movie: Howl’s Moving Castle (PG)
SRC is fast approaching and we need volunteers at the library.
I’m looking for teen volunteers for Summer Reading Club this summer, and whether you volunteered last year or wish to do so for the first time, you’ll have to sign up. If you want to volunteer, drop by the library and ask for me (if I’m not here, someone else should be able to help you). We have a slightly different sign up sheet and also we need to know t-shirt sizes, so you’ll need to fill that out (with a parent signature).
Registration for SRC should open up later this month.
Congratulations to our teen Poetry Slam Winners!
Alica Troby – Elmwood Jr. High
Taylor Cook - Crossroads
Sarah Jo Mosbeck – Homeschool
Thanks to everyone who participated!
May Movies:
May 3: Superman Returns (PG-13)
May 10: Howl’s Moving Castle (PG)
May 24: Princess Mononoke (PG-13)
May 31: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaky