Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Quick Word on Conduct in the Library

Hey guys,

It's spring time and everyone's a bit antsy with school almost over. Obviously we want you all at the library, but with large numbers of people coming here at this time, I want to emphasize a couple of points to be remembered while at the library:

Swearing, name calling offensive language and the discussion of offensive topics are not appropriate at the library. Librarians generally warn a person first, giving them a chance to stop, but repeated violations may lead to the person or people in question being asked to leave the library. The purpose of this is to make the library a positive place which many people can use comfortably.

On a similar note, we've noticed sometimes people gather in groups and block people's way around the library, especially after an event with a bunch of people leaving at once. The big thing here is to avoid blocking large traffic areas such as: the entrance, the computers and hospitality room, and the main hallway. There are other areas, such as the outside garden, where congregation is less of a problem.

Just in general be courteous and respectful of others. It'll come back to you!

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