Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reminder: Imput is Always Welcome

Hey guys, I'm looking for your imput and ideas on what to plan for Teen Scene this coming year.

Whether it's what books (or CDs, DVDs, etc.) you want, a possible online feature, new programs, or an old event you'd like to see brought back, I'd very much like to hear from you.

You can comment, email or even better show up at next month's YAAC meeting (Jan 13).

Game night is still on for this Thursday.

Oh, and in case I don't see you before then: Merry Christmas everyone!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

We're Back...

And so is the blog!

Hello everyone, this is Evan Day, the new Young Adult Librarian at Rogers Public Library. I imagine a lot of you have already met me or at least seen me sitting at the desk, so I won't belabor a long introduction.

In short, I'm from Indiana, finished my Master's in Library Science last May, and am very happy to be here! A quick run down of events for the rest of the month:

This Thursday, Dec. 14, 6-8 PM Movie Night, A Christmas Story (PG)

Dec. 21 6-8 PM Game Night, DDR

Dec. 28 6-8 PM Movie Night, She's the Man (PG-13)

Feel free to leave a comment or email me: evand at