Friday, December 14, 2007
Heads Up!!
But next week on December the 27, although the library will be open, there will be no movie night! Originally we had something planned but it is postponed!
Again, remember we’re closed Dec. 23, 24, and 25, as well as Jan. 1.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Upcoming Schedule
Events are for ages 13-18.
Nov. 29: Movie: Spiderman 3 (PG-13) 6-8 p.m.
Dec. 6: Movie: National Lampoon's Christmas Vactation (PG-13) 6-8 p.m.
Dec. 8: YAAC 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Discuss what’s happening, and what you would like to happen, at the library. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
Dec. 12: Movie Night: Elf (PG) 6-8
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Guitar Hero Tourny
Be here at 6:00 to join.
Basic format:
First Round: one on one, easy, loser eliminated.
Second Round: one on one, medium...
and so on.
See you there!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Movie Night, YAAC Canceled, and New Music CDs, DVDs
This Thursday's movie is Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End (PG-13), at 6 p.m. and is 2 hours and 8 minutes long. Plan accordingly.
We've got a number of new music cds and DVDs in just over the past day or so. They're being checked out fast, so you might want to check them out.
Also, author Homer Hickum will be here this Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. Sign up here.
Monday, October 29, 2007
New Books
Monday, October 22, 2007
Scary Movie This Week at Teen Scene
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Teen Read Week!
Toward that end, we're encouraging you to test out new books. Ask a librarian for help, or perhaps pulling out your library card and checking out our databases. Especially check out Novelist.
Regardless, be sure to be here for Third Thursday Gaming night, this Thursday from 6-8 p.m.!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
YAAC and Them!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Monthly Movies
Oct. 4: Andrew Loyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera (PG-13)
Oct. 11: Them! (NR)
Oct. 18: Third Thursday Gaming Night
Oct. 25: The Grudge: (PG-13)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Upcoming Teen Scene Events at the
Events are for ages 13-18.
September 13: Movie Night: 10 Things I Hate About You (PG-13) 6-8 p.m.
September 20: Third Thursday Gaming Night 6-8 p.m.
Rogers Public Library and Game Crazy present Third Thursday Gaming Night.
Play Guitar Hero 2 and other great games at the library!
September 27: Movie Night: TMNT (PG) 6-8 p.m.
October 4: Movie Night: Phantom of the Opera (PG-13) 6-8 p.m.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Movie this week
That great Japanese piece of artistic beauty and glorious special effects: Godzilla vs Mothra!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
It's the end of summer!!! Everyone panic!!!!!
Looking for a way to celebrate the last week of summer? How about Third Thursday Gaming Night? This Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the library.
Thanks to everyone for the great turnout last week for our showing of the opening episode of Firefly the series BTW. If you like the show, remember you can check it out from the library.
Also, fans should note we will be showing the movie follow up to the show, Serenity, on August 23.
Just remember as you go back to school guys, "You can't take the sky from me." Or something like that.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
New at the Teen Scene
Mythbusters: Season 1
MST3K: Manos' the Hand of Fate
Audio Books:
Monster by Walter Myers
Snakecharm by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Year of the dog : one year, one team, one goal by Kurt Voigt
Genocide : modern crimes against humanity by Brendan January
Las 6 decisiones más importantes de tu vida : guÃa para jóvenes by Sean Covey
Much more coming soon!
Monday, August 06, 2007
These four legged book mobiles look interesting. But I don't think we'd be able to handle the food budget.
Science Fiction theme with the movies this month:
August 9: Firefly the Series, I'll be choosing two episodes to play. (TV PG-TV14)
August 16: Third Thursday Gaming Night
August 23: Serenity (PG-13)
August 30: Godzilla vs Mothra (Why not?)
Thanks to everyone who participated in Summer Reading Club this year BTW! I hope you all had a great time!
The grand prize winners were (in no particular order)
Summer Zelmanski
Justin Undernehr
Kyle Osmon
Cindy Gomez
Zachery Whelchel
Veronica Serrano
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
SRC Wrapping Up

Karaoke Night!!
This Friday (August 3rd) from 5:30-8:30
It’s time to close out Summer Reading Club by singing a few hits!
Have Food! Have Fun! Win Prizes! And wow your friends with your American-Idol like skills with on the Microphone!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Grand Prize Drawings
The Grand Prize Drawing Winners will be announced on August 1, with the first winner getting first pick out of the six prizes available. They will be formally given away at the end of SRC Karaoke party, or they can be picked up at another date if this is not convenient.
Evan Day
Young Adult Librarian
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Grand Prize Info

If you read ten hours this summer you get to put in a ticket for our grand prize drawing for one of our prizes. Read twenty hours, and you'll get two (but that's it). Here's more info on what you could win:
One of two paintball guns, one a Viewloader Triton II Semi-Automatic, the other a JT TAC-5 Recon Gun.
A 3-Piece CD/Radio Cassette Recorder,
A 7" Portable DVD player.
Or one of two Ipod Shuffles.
You Never Know @ Your Library is brought to you by:

Friday, July 06, 2007
Writing Workshop

There's still time to sign up for the writing workshop (here) with author Arkansas author A. A. Riley! Don't miss out on this summer opportunity!
The Key of Aramath at
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Saftey Class Today
The plan so far is to have the personal safety today in the Children’s storytime room. It may be that Corporal Groomer will get called away on business. If so, I’ll show a movie. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
What's Happening
BTW, the upcoming writing workshop with A.A. Riley, author of The Key of Aramath, still has seats available. Click here to reserve a spot.
Movies over the next few weeks:
June 28: The Prestige (PG-13)
July 5: Wait Until Dark (NR)
July 12: Talladega Nights (PG-13)
July 19: Third Thursday Gaming Night presented by Game Crazy
July 26: Clue (PG)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Personal Saftey Class
As some of you may know by now, the personal safety class has been postponed due to a family emergency on Tracy Groomer’s part. For those who show up, we’ll be screening the first Fantastic Four movie (PG-13).
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Prize Announcements
1. One of two Paintball guns
2. One of two Ipod Shuffles
3. A boombox
4. A portable DVD player.
More info to come.
Upcoming Teen Scene Event
Monday, June 18, 2007
This Week: Personal Safety Class, Game Night, YNK Grand Prize, etc.

Personal Safety Class with Corporal Tracy Groomer starts Tuesday (tomorrow!) at 1 p.m. at the library. Dress comfortably (sign up here). If you have trouble signing up, give us a call.
Also this week is Gaming Night, this Thursday at 6 p.m.
We have one of our grand prizes for the summer to announce: We’ve had two paintball guns graciously donated for our cause! More info to come.
At this point, I should probably clarify one thing: I’ve got a two “ticket” limit on the drawing for Summer Reading Club. That’s 20 hours (10 each). You can keep reading of course.
Prizes this week are either a temporary tattoo or window cling. Be a walking billboard for Summer Reading Club!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Quick Word on Logging in Reading

Once you've logged in your ultimate goal in hours for the summer, you can calculate your weekly goal. Each week fulfilling your goal gets you a weekly prize (this week, it's Chick-Fil-A coupons).
Just follow this cheat sheet:
Hours Read each week | Total for 9 weeks |
1 | 9 |
2 | 18 |
3 | 27 |
4 | 36 |
And so on. You can calculate it by day as well:
Reading Time Per Day | Week Total (if you read 6 days) | Total for 9 Weeks |
15 min (slacker!) | 1.5 hours | 13.5 hours |
30 min | 3 hours | 27 hours |
1 hour | 6 hours | 54 hours |
1.5 hours | 9 hours | 81 hours |
2 hours | 12 hours | 108 |
3 hours | 15 hours | 135 |
Anyways, remember this week's movie is Rear Window (PG).
More stuff to come in this, the summer where You Never Know @ your library.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Forensics Workshop Spotlight: Interview with Gretchen R Dabbs

Summer Reading Club is kicking things off with an insightful presentation by Gretchen R. Dabbs, MA, from Northwest Arkansas Community College .
This workshop will be interactive, allowing you to try a "mock case" and test your investigating skills!
I asked her to do an email interview with me and she graciously accepted. Here's the transcript:
Evan Day: Tell us a bit about yourself
Gretchen R. Dabbs: I have a BA from the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, where I majored in Anthropology. I earned my MA at Wichita State University in Wichita, KS, also in Anthropology, and am working towards my PhD at the University of Arkansas. I teach Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab at the University, and Introduction to Forensic
Anthropology in the spring at NWACC.
I'm originally from Illinois, where I grew up with two brothers and a sister on a farm. Since then I have lived in Kansas, Washington, Canada, and of course Arkansas. I enjoy my job as a Forensic Anthropologist because it allows me the freedom to interact on two entirely different planes. I get to spend a majority of my time working in academia, doing research that will improve the practice of Forensic Anthropology. The rest of the time I get to spend working in the field with local law enforcement agencies trying to recovery the bodies of individuals, or working on those cases to develop the biological profile of skeletonized individuals. It is the perfect ratio of theory and practice.
ED: What does your work do that helps the police?
GRD: In my work, I generally am able to provide the police with a biological profile for any skeletal remains discovered. This includes the age, sex, race, height, and sometimes individually identifying aspects of the skeleton. Things like bones broken during childhood can still be seen, even through late adulthood sometimes, which provides unique information the police and I can use to identify individuals. The police can then use this information to narrow down a list of potential victims based on things like missing person's reports. After they have this shortened list, positive identification can be attempted using things like dental records or DNA.
ED: Can bones tell you that much about somebody and/or how they died?
GRD: Bones can and do work as a living history of an individual an their life. As I mentioned in the previous question, your skeletal system is effected by the age, sex, and race of the individual. Mostly these differences are very slight variations in the shape of the bones. Patterns of bone deposition or erosion can identify areas of significant wear on the bones, which can suggest patterns of activity throughout life. Arthritis is a good example of bones telling us a lot about the person's life. The specific joint effected by arthritis, the degree of the bony development of arthritis, the degree to which the two sides of the body match in their development can provide information about the life activities of the individual.
Skeletal elements can also help identify potential causes of death.Fractures of the hyoid bone are often indicative of manual strangulation.The hyoid bone is situated high up in the neck under the lower jaw. One of the few ways it can be broken is by the compression of the human hand around the neck. The skeletal system can also be very useful in identifying the order and direction of bullet wounds, and blunt force injuries. This information can be used to separate true accidents from homicides.
ED: What are the dangers of a forensics investigation "messing up" and how do you avoid such things?
GRD: The major implication of a Forensic Anthropology investigation "messing up" is the misidentification of the individual, or the failure to identify an individual at all. We avoid this problem through careful application of standard, well-tested methods of age, sex, and ancestry estimation. Also, we are careful not to over step our knowledge, and what the evidence tells us.
ED: Forensics and criminal investigation is a popular topic in TV, movies and literature. Do you watch TV shows or read books that deal with forensics,and how is fantasy different from reality?
GRD: I do on occasion watch TV shows and read fiction books that deal with forensics. As with anything else, the differences between the real and fiction vary between individual authors. Some authors are very true to the scientific application of the methods of Forensic Anthropology. Others take a lot of liberties with the science. Most often this manifests itself as overstating the degree of certainty of the findings of a particular method. This is not to say that what we do is not accurate, but there is a degree of error involved in any method that tries to make estimates based on something as variable as the human skeleton.
TV is also much more more glamorous than real forensic work. Real forensic work often requires several days of filth, smell, and very, very hard work to get to the answers that television produces in 45 minutes.
ED:Thanks for your time! One final question, what can students expect to learn at the upcoming workshop on June 11?
GRD:I plan to demonstrate how Forensic Anthropologists go about determining age, sex and height from the human skeleton. I will also have a hands on section where the students will be allowed to work with the skeletal material in order to attempt the construction of a biological profile themselves. Hopefully, by the end of the session students will have a very good idea of what Forensic Anthropologists can do and how we do it.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Movie Night for the month of June

Think Jackman and discussed a Wolverine vs Batman movie while on the set? Me neither.
Of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg at this year's SRC!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Book Yourself into Summer Reading Club (har har)
Program registration is available here as well (underlined events require registration, just click on them).
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Summer Reading Club is Almost Here!
What will you find at your library? A tale of historical mystery? Fantastical horror? A true crime story filled with suspense? This summer at the Teen Scene You Never Know what might happen. That is, unless you watch this blog or check the library calendar of course!
Keep watching this blog as we highlight the events you'll see this summer at Rogers Public Library. Online registration opens this Monday (May 21), as does registration for several events! Here's a rundown of some of what's coming to the Teen Scene!
Register @ Rogers Public Library or online @
Read 10 hours and get entered into the drawing to win one of our big prizes (To be announced later)! The more you read, the more chances you have to win!
Finally, read 20 hours and choose a prize to take home!
Registration starts May 21
Logging starts June 3
Bones, bodies and suspicious
Circumstances: Forensic Examination of the Human Skeleton!
How does an investigator identify a body with only the bones to go on? Gretchen R. Dabbs MA, from Northwest Arkansas Community College gives a forensics workshop presentation
June 11, 1-3 pm
Corporal Tracy Groomer is giving a class in self defense and safety. Kick yourself off the couch and learn the basics of protecting yourself! Registration required.
June 19, 26, July 3, 1-3 pm
CSI: Evidence Collection!
How do you lift fingerprints for evidence? What do bugs and maggots have to do with solving a murder? Corporal Tracy Groomer presents this Crime Scene Investigation Workshop
Writing Workshop with Arkansas
author A. A. Riley!
A. A. Riley is an Arkansas author who wrote a fantasy YA novel The Key of Aramath. She will be doing a reading and brief discussion of her book, followed by several sessions where you can perform and discuss your own work. Registration required.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
This week’s movie: Howl’s Moving Castle (PG)
Friday, May 04, 2007
SRC Volunteering
SRC is fast approaching and we need volunteers at the library.
I’m looking for teen volunteers for Summer Reading Club this summer, and whether you volunteered last year or wish to do so for the first time, you’ll have to sign up. If you want to volunteer, drop by the library and ask for me (if I’m not here, someone else should be able to help you). We have a slightly different sign up sheet and also we need to know t-shirt sizes, so you’ll need to fill that out (with a parent signature).
Registration for SRC should open up later this month.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Poetry Slam Winners
Congratulations to our teen Poetry Slam Winners!
Alica Troby – Elmwood Jr. High
Taylor Cook - Crossroads
Sarah Jo Mosbeck – Homeschool
Thanks to everyone who participated!
May Movies:
May 3: Superman Returns (PG-13)
May 10: Howl’s Moving Castle (PG)
May 24: Princess Mononoke (PG-13)
May 31: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaky
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Quick Word on Conduct in the Library
It's spring time and everyone's a bit antsy with school almost over. Obviously we want you all at the library, but with large numbers of people coming here at this time, I want to emphasize a couple of points to be remembered while at the library:
Swearing, name calling offensive language and the discussion of offensive topics are not appropriate at the library. Librarians generally warn a person first, giving them a chance to stop, but repeated violations may lead to the person or people in question being asked to leave the library. The purpose of this is to make the library a positive place which many people can use comfortably.
On a similar note, we've noticed sometimes people gather in groups and block people's way around the library, especially after an event with a bunch of people leaving at once. The big thing here is to avoid blocking large traffic areas such as: the entrance, the computers and hospitality room, and the main hallway. There are other areas, such as the outside garden, where congregation is less of a problem.
Just in general be courteous and respectful of others. It'll come back to you!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Hey guys, thanks for everyone who has turned in a submission for poetry slam (see below), which will be here at the library on April 28th, 1 p.m. I haven’t had very many though, and if you want to be eligible for a $40 gift card (30 and 20 for second and third place) at Barnes and Noble, you’ll need to have your submission in by April 21st at 5 p.m.
Just give us a copy at the library and fill out our short sign up sheet and we’ll be done. Kids and Adults have contests too, so spread the word if you know someone who might be interested.
Again, the reading and voting will be held on the 28th, where we’ll set up the community room.
Hope to see you there.
Any questions? Email me!
Evan Day
Young Adult Librarian
Or call 479-621-1152 ext. 32
Friday, April 06, 2007
Poetry Slam
The Rogers Public Library and
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
are sponsoring a poetry contest to celebrate National Poetry Month.
Separate contest for Teen Poets
1st Place - $40 Barnes & Noble Gift Card
2nd Place - $30 Barnes & Noble Gift Card
3rd Place - $20 Barnes & Noble Gift Card
Submit your Original Teen Poetry to Teen Scene at The Rogers Public Library or Barnes & Noble
No later than Saturday, April 21, 2007
Entries may be handwritten or typed and must not include the poet's name on the original work.
An entry form will be attached to the submission.
Teen Poetry Slam
Saturday, April 28, 2007
1:00 P.M.
Rogers Public Library
The adult and children's poetry events will be held on the 28th as well, but at Barnes and Noble.
Thursday nights this month:
April 12th: Movie: Steamboy (PG-13)
April 19th: Third Thursday Gaming Night (PG-13)
April 26th: World Trade Center (PG-13)
Also don't forget Young Adult Advisory Council on April 14th at 10:30.
Monday, March 19, 2007
New Books
I've also moved the DVDs, CDs and Games to the right of the desk below the display and Spanish sections. Sorry if that messes any of you up, but I'm hoping it clears room for expanding our graphic novel collection.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Poetry Slam, SRC
Hey, long time no see. We’ve got a lot of stuff in this one.
First off, Poetry Slam for teens is back this year. You’ll have from April 1st to April 21st at 5 p.m. to submit your entries. They’ll need to be hard copies turned in at the library. The poetry readings for the teen department will be at the library community room on April 28th at 2 p.m.. They’ll be both children’s and adult categories for this as well. Call or email me for more info.
Finally, upcoming movie and game night events:
March 29th, The Producers (PG)
April 5, Pirates of the
April 12th, Steamboy (PG-13)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
March events
This week's movie, The Devil Wears Prada (PG-13), will round out the end of the month.
As for March:
March 1 Poseidon (PG-13)
March 8 Batman Begins (PG-13)
March 22 Click (PG-13)
March 29 The Producers (PG)
Be sure to check out the Saturday Matinee every second Saturday of the month as well!
More teen programing notes to come...
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
This Week's Movie Screening Location
See you there!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monthly events as of now
Febrary 1, Lady in the Water (PG-13) 6-8 p.m.
February 8, Naruto Vol. 1 (TV PG) 6-8 p.m.
February 13, YAAC Meeting 10:30-11:30 a.m.
February 18, Third Thursday Game Night 6-8 p.m.
February 25, Devil Wears Prada (PG-13) 6-8 p.m.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thanks again, and I hope to see you all again soon!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Old Fashioned and Online
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who braved the weather and came to our last YAAC meeting. We discussed several topics relevant to teen scene, and it's given me some ideas.
Third Thursday Gaming night is on for this week, looks like our featured game will be Guitar Hero. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
January Events
This Thursday (Jan. 11) Nacho Libre (PG), 6-8 p.m.
This Saturday (Jan. 13) Young Adult Advisory Council (YAAC) 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Come share your ideas for Teen Scene. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
Later this month:
Jan. 18 Third Thursday Gaming Night
Jan. 25 Chronicles of Narnia (PG-13)
Hope to see you then!